Humanity- The fading Light

Saravanan Pari
2 min readJun 16, 2020

Kindness is a language deaf can hear and blind can see, it is like snow, it beautifies everything that it covers. Since the scientific evolution, there has been plenty of changes in humans and it had made us forget some of our qualities, humanity is one among them. Humanity is not the best quality in humans, it is the basic quality. In the constant pursuit of money, fame and name we have minimized our thoughts towards other humans, animals, birds and the environment. Humans were created to coexist with other creatures, but our sixth sense has made us believe that we are supreme, which indeed is not true at all. we have been depleting natural resources, poaching animals and birds (for skin and their products) and causing a constant threat to the ecological balance.

The genocide in Sri Lanka , Syria and recent killing of a pregnant elephant fed with cracker filled pineapple has given us a wake up call. We need not unite only during natural disasters, let’s us stand and protect each other irrespective of religion, race and color. Let’s raise a community which purely believes in the goodness of people and ones that knows the importance of kindness and compassion. Instead of giving them fancy gadgets and lifestyle, let’s starts working on giving them a better living environment and good morals, “ the more we take, the less for the future generations”. we must teach them about the importance of eco system and significance of each animal and plant, so that they could preserve our planet in the future years.

Lets us all hold the world together

Let us begin working on uplifting each other rather than competing with each other. Treat people the way you want to be treated, let’s be kind towards everyone, we don’t know what the other person is going through. No amount of money, fame or looks can buy happiness, the simplest way to be happy is to be good and lets start practicing to be good. “ When you help people without expecting anything in return the world greets you with more”.

Smile at a stranger, feed a stray dog/cat, be kind to your neighbors, keep checking on your friends,hold the door for the next person and help an elderly person cross the road, these may be little acts but they have a collective effect on the community. Always compliment people, tell about their positives, it makes their day better. Lets retrieve the faith in humanity, lets stay humble and lets be good. The pain is common for all of us, lets all be relievers than the ones creating it. Lets be the reason why people believe in goodness in people.



Saravanan Pari

Civil engineer, Nature lover, Being human, Photographer, Content writer, Sports person, Fitness addict, Food lover